For the first time on Personal Jurisdiction, we are excited to speak to a state Supreme Court law clerk! In this episode, Jacob Abudaram shares his unique experience clerking for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Haw…
We're rounding out Season 4 with Roshanna Toya, Attorney & Chief Justice of the Pueblo of Isleta Appellate Court. This is a special episode because Roshanna is not only a tribal court Justice, but she has also clerked at bot…
Calling all interested in clerkships! In this special episode, Preston Hollis and Jacqueline Martinez share their experience as current co-clerks on the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico. They discuss their …
If you're interested in clerking, this episode is for you! During Episode 15, we chat with Donya Khadem, a University of Michigan Law School graduate who embarked on two clerkships right after graduation. She first clerked o…