Oct. 5, 2021

Let's Get Personal with My Khanh Ngo, Staff Attorney at the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project

Let's Get Personal with My Khanh Ngo, Staff Attorney at the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project

My Khanh Ngo is a Staff Attorney at the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project (IRP) in San Francisco, California. In this excellent episode, My Khanh shares how a variety of experiences before and during law school shaped her current legal career, what she does on the day-to-day at IRP, her views on direct services vs. impact litigation work, and so much more. Don't miss her insights and advice for law students and new lawyers too!

My Khanh Ngo is a 2017 graduate of Yale Law School and a 2013 graduate of Yale University (B.A. Political Science, International Studies). 

Check out the Appellate Project - https://theappellateproject.org/ - a resource for students of color interested in appellate work.

During Due Diligence, we discussed the concept of saying no and how it can be helpful (and some even argue, essential) to success. Learn more about this perspective in the following articles: 

"You can do anything, but you can’t do everything." Fascinating study from Farnam Street: https://fs.blog/2011/09/steve-jobs-saying-no/

And another along the same lines - Saying No to the Non-Essential: https://fs.blog/2018/03/speed-velocity/ 

Warren Buffett: "Really Successful People Say No to Almost Everything" - https://medium.com/accelerated-intelligence/warren-buffett-really-successful-people-say-no-to-almost-everything-ab78832ffebc?utm_source=pocket_mylist

Thoughts on the good that can come from quitting something from NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/20/style/quit-job.html?referringSource=articleShare&utm_source=pocket_mylist

And this interesting take on Cold Calling Emails from Morning Brew: https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/2020/07/15/not-suck-cold-emailing?utm_source=pocket_mylist

Our Theme Song is Pleasant Porridge by Kevin MacLeod.

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7614-pleasant-porridge

License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Our logos were designed by Lizzie L. O'Connor.

Personal Jurisdiction is powered and distributed with SimpleCast. 

Find us online at www.personaljxpod.com and on Twitter @PersonalJxPod 

See you next week!

Hallie & Allison