Nov. 16, 2021

Let's Get Personal with Thomas Kayes, Solo Practitioner and Owner of the Law Office of Thomas R. Kayes

Let's Get Personal with Thomas Kayes, Solo Practitioner and Owner of the Law Office of Thomas R. Kayes

Have you ever dreamed about what it would be like to start your own law firm? In Episode 10 of Personal Jurisdiction, we chat with solo practitioner and civil rights litigator Tom Kayes. Tom shares his path to solo practice and reminds us that law degrees travel! Tom's helpful insights in this episode remind us that there is no one path to success. You know what goes great with turkey? Podcasts! We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! We're taking a break the week of 11/22 but we will be back in your feed on 11/30.

Tom Kayes is a graduate of Pomona College (2007) and Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law (2013). He is a solo practitioner and owner of the Law Office of Thomas R. Kayes where he practices civil rights litigation. Check out Tom's firm here:

Follow Tom on Twitter here: 

And on LinkedIn: 

Tom recommends the following book: Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits! by Greg Crabtree. Check it out here:


See you next week!

Hallie & Allison